Using CBD Oil While Pregnant and Breastfeeding: Is it Safe?

Reading Time - 8 Minutes

CBD oil has become popular with many people as it may help them relax, suppress pain, assuage nausea, and sometimes act as a soothing agent to encourage a good night’s sleep. 

These are also problem areas for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers as elevations in hormones and life situations cause changes in the body and result in  unpleasant side effects.

A frequent concern for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is how to manage these symptoms safely and naturally without potentially harming the baby.

So, the question arises, is using CBD during pregnancy safe for these mothers to treat the symptoms they’re experiencing? Let’s explore the answer thoroughly.

What Is CBD Used For?

CBD oils may help soothe the symptoms and side effects of different ailments like  Parkinson’s disease and the impact cancer can have on the body. Some people may also find  CBD aidswith anxiety, pain, depression, etc. 

At the moment, CBD’s use value for the general public is inconclusive. While there have been  studies that suggest CBD oil could assist with treating pain and possesses other benefits, more studies are needed. Keep in mind: using  CBD oil for pain or to relieve anxiety, insomnia, depression, and other related ailments may not work for everyone. 

Is CBD Oil Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

Many physicians will discourage CBD oil during pregnancy due to potential adverse effects and the lack of research in terms of long-term side effects. Many organisations simply aren’t sure what can happen using CBD oil during pregnancy. 

The lack of studies regarding CBD oil and pregnancy in humans means there are few answers for curious pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Current discussions often look at other members of the cannabinoid family to draw assumptions, but they aren’t all the same. 

So, if you are a pregnant or breastfeeding mother who wants to take CBD, please discuss it with your physician or OB-GYN first. 

A medical professional can help you understand what to expect regarding  CBD oil side effects and the potential dangers of taking it. Mothers should assess the risks and symptoms discussed including other natural options that may fit even better. 

What Are Some Potential THC And CBD Oil Risks?

According to a statement released by the   Food and Drug Administration, the potential THC and/or CBD oil risks for pregnant mothers can include   fetal developmental issues or  stillbirths

It can also cause: 

  • Liver toxicity
  • Interactions with other medications

Currently, the research studies have been on animals, and the side effects are based on that. Human trials have yet to be completed on pregnant human mothers.

Is CBD Oil Safe to Use While Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding a baby and all the related decisions that come with it is stressful enough, and some new mothers may want to turn to CBD oil while breastfeeding in hopes that it can assist with sleeping and relieving stress. 

While the baby is no longer developing in the mother’s body, breastfeeding mothers can still provide nutrients directly via the breast milk itself. 

Speaking with a medical professional about CBD oil and breastfeeding and weighing the pros and cons is the best course of action. 

What Are Some Potential CBD Oil Risks?

As discussed above, there is no conclusive research for or against CBD oil in breastfeeding mothers. 

Through the limited trials that do exist, the most prominent arguments against the use of CBD oil while breastfeeding is due to: 

  • CBD could be passed to the baby through breastmilk. As the baby is much smaller and unable to process the oil, it could build up in the baby’s system. 
  • If taken in high doses, it can make you sleepy during a time where sleep may already be scarce. There are questions surrounding whether CBD may impair a mother’s judgement. 

What Are Some Alternatives to CBD to Treat Symptoms While Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers will often experience symptoms related to their bodies’ changes as the baby develops and then nurses. Relieving these symptoms with natural methods can take some experimenting with alternatives. 

In the first trimester, there is an increase in estrogen levels which can cause nausea during pregnancy. At the same time Insomnia, mood swings, and anxiety may also occur during this period. The stress of pregnancy and the change of established routines can cause additional stress.

Breastfeeding mothers may also experience a lack of sleep, anxiety and depression from the stress of nursing. They may wish to turn to CBD oil to relieve these symptoms, yet there are certainly other natural options to help you cope with these symptoms. 

Nausea and Vomiting

Up to  seventy per cent of pregnant women experience nausea during the first trimester of their pregnancy which may continue to other trimesters if not well-handled. It’s a well-known symptom that doesn’t need to be overwhelming. 

  • Try eating multiple small meals throughout the day, even if it’s only a biscuit or piece of toast, before you get out of bed to avoid sitting with an empty stomach. 
  • Avoid eating foods that have strong or triggering smells. Make a note when you feel nauseous and try to connect it to any particular foods you can then avoid. 
  • Stay hydrated, especially if you’re vomiting, by drinking water with and between meals in small sips. 
  • Everyone is different, but many people find spicy, fatty, and creamier foods can trigger nausea, putting stress on an already stressed stomach. 
  • Rest. Take frequent naps or simply don’t overdo it whenever possible.
  • Ginger can aid in nausea and vomiting. If you feel nauseated, consider taking warm water with some ginger. Consult a pharmacist before taking ginger supplements.

If these tips don’t work, or the nausea is worse than typical morning sickness, consider talking to your physician, who can prescribe anti-nausea medications, if necessary.

Sleep Issues

When it comes to pregnancy and sleep issues, there are different ways you can naturally treat insomnia. No one method will work for everyone, but many of these techniques have successfully given some relief. 

Avoid taking over-the-counter sleep aids without first speaking to your physician or OB-GYN. 

Common natural insomnia tips include:

Relaxation Techniques

When your mind is not at ease, sleep comes at a premium. A perfect way to relax and de-stress is to meditate. Meditation can help a stressed mind to relax, according to a study by obstetric medicine. It’s also a way to take a few moments to yourself during the day.

If you combine this with yoga, you can have a better sleep. 

Engage in Physical Activity

Physical activity reduces back pains, improves heart health, and reduces the risk of gestational diabetes. Choose low impactphysical activity and listen to your body when it comes time to rest.

Practice a Better Sleep Hygiene

Establish a bedtime routine and try to follow it as much as possible. Try going to bed every day at a particular time, sleep in a bed in a dark bedroom, and avoid heavy meals close to bedtime. 

Stress and Worry

The hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy can make a mother feel isolated, stressed, worried, and neglected. If they also cannot sleep well, it can bring on further stress. 

Consider speaking with friends and family or talking to a doctor about therapy where the mother can address concerns in a safe environment. A midwife may also be able to advise mothers worried they are doing something wrong. 

Either way,  practise self-care, such as going for a walk or a hot bath. Everything will be about the baby at this time, but the mother needs attention, too. 

Aches and Pains

Given all the changes in the body during pregnancy, aches and pains are to be expected, but that doesn’t make them any more pleasant. 

On top of that, pregnancy often reduces or eliminates the ability to take common pain relief medications, which means natural solutions are the best way to cope with aches and pains safely.

Take a hike if you can or a walk around the neighbourhood. As well as pain relief, walking can help reduce stress. 

In second and third trimesters, consider  modified stretching or maternity support pillows to help with back pain and flat shoes to help distribute weight. As always, consider the advice from a doctor and rest whenever necessary. 

A diet lacking certain minerals and vitamins can cause or exacerbate aches and pain. Nutritionists can help to refine food choices or simply consider some of the NHS’s information regarding  food and pregnancy

Strive to eat a variety of foods rich in iron and fibre whenever possible.

Wrap Up

The consumption of CBD oil by pregnant or breastfeeding mothers is best discussed with a physician or OB-GYN. 

While people may do it without any adverse effects, there simply isn’t enough research to definitively say CBD and pregnancy or CBD and breastfeeding is or isn’t safe, and it’s always best to consult a physician before undertaking a new health regime.   

If CBD oil is something a doctor believes is the right path, please note that these drugs don’t cure, treat, or prevent any diseases. Keep products away from children and out of direct sunlight to extend longevity. 

For those interested, you can find additional information regarding the maximum dosage of 70mg on theFood Standards Agency website.




Written by  |  Infused Amphora Team 

The Infused Amphora Team is dedicated to creating resources to educate and engage consumers on the growing evidence of CBD benefits and the extensive health and wellness properties of CBD Oil. 

Contributor  | Angus Taylor CEO



Infused Amphora “Learn” is intended for informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.