Find the Best CBD In The UK: A Guide to Amphora's Targeted Effects-Based CBD Products

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It may seem like these popular health supplements came out of nowhere to become one of the biggest wellness trends of the 21st century, but CBD and cannabinoids have been used for thousands of years to help provide relief from a variety of symptoms and ailments. 

Despite its storied history, most people are just beginning to incorporate CBD into their wellness regimen. With so many ways to experience the benefits of CBD, it’s also easier than ever to fit it into your busy lifestyle. Of course, with so many new products on the market, it’s difficult to make heads or tails of your options as you search to find the best CBD products for you. 

Today, we’re going to learn a bit more about this powerful wellness solution and take a closer look at the many different CBD products you can incorporate into your routine to aid in a happier and healthier life. 

What Is CBD? 

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is one of the many (over 100) cannabinoids found in hemp and cannabis Sativa plants. 

CBD reacts with theendocannabinoid system inside your body, where it’s able to react with certain chemicals to deliver a variety of different health benefits to users. CBD may help patients with everything from chronic pain to nausea to epilepsy and much more. 

While CBD can be derived from marijuana, the CBD products available commercially in England, the EU, and much of the United States are derived from hemp. It has no intoxicating ingredients at all. Most importantly, it’s 100% legal to possess and use, and it doesn't have any intoxicating effects.

Industrial hemp plants have much higher CBD content than THC content, and the amount of THC present in CBD products during processing is closely controlled so that it falls under the legal limit of .2%. 

Instead of experiencing the intoxicating effect that marijuana is closely associated with, CBD users can experience a litany of different benefits without the high or any potential side effects associated with marijuana use. 

Is CBD Legal? 

Many people interested in CBD have questions about it's legality, since it's often erroneously lumped in with THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. The short answer is thatCBD is completely legal in the UK and most other parts of the world. 

When CBD products are produced, the product's properties are closely controlled in a lab environment in accordance with the laws and regulations of England. While the finished product may contain trace amounts of THC, it falls under the legal limit of .2%. 

CBD Health Benefits

As more research is being conducted on CBD, we’re beginning to learn more about its powerful properties and ability to help you find relief from various ailments and conditions. Recent studies have revealed some promisingCBD oil benefits

Of course, additional study needs to be conducted to substantiate the preliminary findings of these studies. Still, CBD has shown incredible promise for medical purposes, and it may be able to help:

  • Treat rare forms of epilepsy
  • Reduce pain and inflammation 
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety or depression
  • Reduce the effects of inflammatory skin conditions (i.e., eczema, psoriasis) 
  • Help with addiction management
  • Protect the brain 
  • Relieve symptoms of cancer treatment

How CBD Works

Once someone takes a dose of CBD, it begins a long and complex journey within your body before it’s able to deliver its therapeutic benefits. 

Inside our bodies is something calledthe endocannabinoid system. It’s a neuromodulator that balances several complex systems in our bodies. From the central nervous system to the digestive, circulatory, and immune response symptoms, the ECS has a profound effect on how your body responds to different stimuli, and it’s critical for achieving homeostasis. 

The endocannabinoid system tells the body to produce both endocannabinoids and cell receptors. When there’s a balance between the two, the body can enter a state of hemostasis, which keeps the body’s other systems in balance. 

With these different systems working together in harmony, your body can correct many of the issues we experience daily. Conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, skin conditions, and even certain forms of epilepsy may be related to an imbalance in the endocannabinoid system. 

When we take CBD, the cannabinoids present in the CBD react with the endocannabinoids and cell receptors being created by the ECS. CBD is able to influence how the ECS works and how many of each cell it produces, which helps encourage homeostasis and helps you to realize the benefits of CBD.

Does CBD Get You High? 

No, CBD doesn’t get you high, which is one of the many reasons for its rise in popularity. With CBD, you can enjoy the health and wellness benefits that cannabinoids are known for without feeling high, tired, or like you’re in a fog. 

While CBD won’t get you high, it can affect the way you feel. As the product takes effect, you’re likely to notice that you feel more relaxed, less stressed, and any chronic pain or conditions you’re dealing with are a bit easier to manage. 

Amphora Effects-Based Formulations

Until now, CBD products have mostly been one-size-fits-all. But, there’s so much potential to tailor specific CBD products to specific benefits. By creating multiple effects-based formulations, we’ve been able to deliver tailored products that better fit the needs of every CBD user. 

Amphora currently offers four different effects-based formulations, with plans for additional formulations in the future. 


The Inspire collection is formulated to help users tap into their creative size and tackle their projects with renewed vigour and inspiration. Inspire is an earthy blend with lilac and citrus undertones.


Relief from chronic pain and inflammation is one of the primary benefits most CBD users are hoping to enjoy. With ourMend blend, the product is targeted to help mitigate these symptoms. Mend has notes of stone fruit, fresh herbs, and pine.


When it’s time to relax and unwind, the Peace collection is the ideal CBD for a restful evening. The Peace blend has notes of sweet wood, peppercorn, and ripe grapefruits, and it can help take the edge off and destress.


If you have trouble sleeping or find yourself waking up multiple times through the night, theZZZ blend from Amphora could be the ideal supplement for you. With notes of juniper and lemon, ZZZ is like snuggling up in a warm blanket. If you’re considering CBD for sleep, this blend could be perfect for you.

Amphora CBD Products

Amphora offers an expanding line of CBD products that currently includes severaltypes of CBD,including vape cartridges, CBD oil, vapes and accessories. Let’s learn a bit more about the products in the line below.

CBD Vape Inhale Collection

Our CBD Vape Inhale Collection is our most popular line, and it currently features four different CBD formulations to help users achieve different benefits. In the near future, this product line will expand further to provide new effects-based formulations to provide even more people with the relief they need.

Our concentrated vape oil is made to the highest standards from only two all-natural ingredients. Each cartridge consists of 20% CBD distillate from the highest quality hemp plants and plant-sourced terpenes. We never use vitamin E oil, MCT oil, propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin to formulate our vape concentrates. 

Each vape is all-natural and contains no nicotine, THC, or pesticides. We also use premium medical-grade plastic cartridges with quality ceramic coils to deliver our customers the best possible vape experience. 

Our concentrates have also undergone rigorous third-party testing, so you can rest assured that we deliver on the claims we make about the quality and purity of our products. If you’re looking for thebest CBD vape in the UK, you owe it to yourself to check out our excellent products.

Vape Hardware & Accessories

Even the best vape concentrates don’t deliver their intended therapeutic effects when coupled with an inferior vaporizer. At Amphora, we also manufacture a full line of hardware and accessories to ensure that you’re receiving the maximum therapeutic benefit when you use your Amphora vape cartridge. 

Our vaporizer kits and accessories are affordable, built to last, and they’re a more attractive option than virtually any other product on the market. 

High Strength CBD Oil Drop Collection

While many people prefer to vape CBD as it provides the greatest bioavailability and the fastest mechanism of action, vaping isn’t ideal for everyone. With that in mind, we formulated our high-strength CBD oil collection. 

Today, our collection includes CBD oil for energy and focus,CBD oil for sleep, CBD oil for pain, CBD oil for stress, anxiety, and more. You can expect to see new formulations in the future, such as CBD oil for muscle repair. 

Like our premium vape cartridges, we pride ourselves on the quality and purity of our CBD oils. We use only 99% pure CBD extract from organically grown hemp plants. For the carrier oil, we use MCT oil for its superior absorption properties, which help deliver the relief you’re searching for faster and more efficiently. 

Our CBD oil is vegan and gluten-free, contains no THC, and provides the second-highest bioavailability of all CBD products, second only to vaping. Like our vape cartridges, our CBD oil is made in the United Kingdom and certified by third-party laboratories for purity and effectiveness. If you’re looking for thebest CBD oil in the UK, be sure to check our products out.

CBD Topical Collection

Topical creams and ointments have been used to help treat aches and pains associated with chronic conditions, sore muscles, sports injuries, and more for many years. Given the promising research into CBD as a potential treatment for pain and discomfort, it’s no wonder that topical CBD creams have become so popular. 

These creams are known for their greasy texture and unpleasant smell, which is one of the reasons we sought out to develop our upcoming line of CBD topicals. We look forward to delivering our customers a cream that will help them relieve their symptoms without the negatives associated with topical pain relief. 

Repair Sport Recovery CBD Cream

Injuries and pain are a fact of life, especially for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Soft tissue injuries can completely derail your routine, whether that means missing your next workout, training session, or game. With our Repair Sport Recovery CBD cream, you can help to mitigate the pain so you can get back out there to do what you love. 

OurRepair Sport Recovery CBD Cream is our latest upcoming product, and it’s been formulated to deliver people everywhere the relief they need from sore muscles, chronic pain, and discomfort. This cream has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce swelling, redness, and pain so you can get back in the game with less soreness and discomfort.

Best of all, our recovery cream can help you find relief without dangerous or habit forming drugs. The Repair Sport Recovery cream is made from pure CBD isolate that employs our nanoencapsulation technology to protect CBD molecules as the cream is applied, ensuring that the cream has the maximum bioavailability as it enters the body. 


CBD has taken the world by storm, and millions of people are already experiencing a wide array of health benefits, thanks to CBD. From treating stress and anxiety to helping you achieve a more restful night’s sleep to providing relief from pain and inflammation, CBD is a small miracle that can improve your life today. 

At Amphora, we pride ourselves on delivering the most comprehensive array of CBD products so our customers can find the relief they need quickly and easily. But, with so many products and brands in the marketplace, it can be especially challenging for those considering CBD for the first time to choose the proper products for their needs. 

If you have any questions or concerns about CBD, reach out to our client care team with your questions. Our knowledgeable staff is looking forward to helping you along your CBD journey.




Written by  |  Infused Amphora Team 

The Infused Amphora Team is dedicated to creating resources to educate and engage consumers on the growing evidence of CBD benefits and the extensive health and wellness properties of CBD Oil. 

Contributor  | Angus Taylor CEO



Infused Amphora “Learn” is intended for informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.