Get Your Running Shoes On: Can CBD Help You Complete Your Marathon Goals?

Reading time – 15 minutes

While the COVID-19 pandemic may have put your plans on hold for taking part in official marathon events, such as the 2020 London Marathon, there’s nothing stopping you from hitting the streets and running your own marathon! As you sought out this article, the chances are you already know full well what a marathon race is. However, for those of you that are new to the running world, a marathon is a long-distance running race that lasts for at least 26 miles. It tests even the most capable of runners, as you need grit, determination, and endurance to complete it. This whole year has felt like a marathon in itself, so don’t beat yourself up for not achieving your running goals yet.

We are here to help, as this article outlines how CBD oil can be a fantastic wellness supplement to help you in your training. There are many ways to consume CBD oil, but we are putting a special focus on CBD mints (stay tuned to discover why). So, whether you are just beginning your training, or you are an experienced runner, make sure that you read on to discover why CBD oil just might be the missing ingredient in your training.

What is CBD oil?

Firstly, let’s cover what CBD oil is, and how it’s made. CBD stands for cannabidiol, and it’s likely that you have already heard of it in some capacity. It is one of the most famous compounds derived from the cannabis plant, or to be more precise, Cannabis Sativa L. plants (CBD is most commonly derived from hemp). There are over 100 compounds found in the plant, and the other most well-known compound is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This compound is notorious due to its psychoactive properties, meaning that it can cause the user to experience a “high.” CBD causes no such high, and this is why people are flocking to buy this all-natural wellness supplement. There’s plenty of research into many areas that suggest CBD may interact positively with sleep patterns, managing and alleviating chronic pain, has potentially calming benefits and much more. Once CBD has been extracted from the plant, it is then diluted with a carrier oil, such as hemp seed or coconut oil.

Your CBD options

As you may already know, you are not just confined to one method of consuming CBD oil. This is great for runners, as it means that you can choose a method of consumption that best works with your exercise routine. If you have found yourself typing how to take CBD oil into an internet search engine, then you are not alone! The good news is that this is where we can help. Vaping is an extremely popular option, due to its convenience. Take our vaping cartridges, for example; they are entirely free of nicotine, and are packed full of CBD-derived potential benefits. Vaping CBD puts your health into focus, and allows you to take some time out of your busy training schedule to enable you to experience a moment of clarity and peace. Other popular options for consumption include CBD in a capsule form that you swallow with a glass of water, or CBD oil that sees you use a dropper to place the oil under your tongue. Finally, topical CBD is popular among those wanting possible relief from inflammation or pain on a particular area of the body. So, this can be great for some runner’s routines, in order to potentially alleviate the aches and pains constant intense exercise can bring about.

CBD edibles

Whilst the above are all great options for your routine, and the ultimate decision is down to you, in this article we are going to focus on the world of CBD edibles – especially CBD mints! There’s a variety of healthy options to help compliment your running routine. For example, you could make a smoothie packed full of fruit, vitamins, and a few drops of CBD. Or you could purchase a CBD protein bar to help take care of your sore muscles and continue to build them up. On the other hand, you could make yourself a treat packed full of CBD goodness, as there are some great cookie and brownie recipes out there! If you don’t have the time for making CBD edibles yourself, then we recommend that you purchase a box of CBD mints! CBD edibles are fantastic for their extensive list of long-lasting potential benefits; however, they take longer than vaping or oil before you begin to feel the effects.

All about CBD mints

So, what are CBD mints you ask? They are a hard-mint candy type of edible, which are packed full of CBD oil as well. So, while they may look like your typical mint, we would argue that they are even better! These mints come with a whole host of benefits for your wellbeing, as well as a great taste. Whenever you feel like you need a pick-me-up, they are an excellent option, plus they keep your breath fresh! This means that you can carry on with your day or fitness routine, confident in the knowledge that not only is your breath fresh, but that your body is being supported through the marvellous potential of CBD. CBD mints are not only easy to dose due to their lower content of CBD; they are also not like other edibles. Sure, you’ve heard that one before, right? Well, this time it’s true! You see, mints are not consumed in the way that other edibles are, which need to travel through your digestive system before they are absorbed into your bloodstream. The same is not so when it comes to mints, which you can dissolve in your mouth, meaning they will provide you with a higher bioavailability. You may have heard this term before, unrelated to CBD. It refers to the time it takes for a drug to be absorbed into the body so that the individual can feel the effects. The improved bioavailability of CBD mints, this makes them one of the best CBD edibles for your marathon training. Not only are they one of the fastest absorbed CBD edibles, but the wellness benefits will last for hours, so that you can train hard and push yourself to your limits.

Typical marathon training plans 

So, what do typical marathon training plans look like? While everyone’s fitness goals and levels are unique, there are some standard training plans for people to follow. There are also specific plans for beginners wanting to run their first marathon and plans more suited for experienced runners. According to Runners World, most marathon training plans will last between 16 and 20 weeks. This training will consist of running approximately three to five times per week, and you will start off slowly and gradually increase your mileage as your marathon race day begins to loom closer. During the other days, you will either be resting, stretching, or taking part in low-intensity exercises such as yoga or pilates. Make sure that you create or follow a plan that suits your fitness abilities, otherwise you can open yourself up to injury.

How CBD oil can help you complete your marathon goals

One of the most-searched questions pertaining to CBD oil is what is CBD oil good for.While we believe it’s a tremendous potential wellness supplement for many health conditions, we also think that it compliments your marathon training perfectly! In this section of the article, we will outline the main ways that CBD can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Reducing pain and inflammation

There’s no doubt about it: training for a marathon is intense, and it’s highly unlikely that you will be able to avoid pain and inflammation in your muscles. This process is known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and it occurs when you take part in intense exercise. The NHS explains that DOMS causes microscopic damage to your muscle fibres, and this is what causes the pain. Running is a particularly vigorous and intense form of exercise, so you will likely experience this when you begin a new training programme. For you experienced runners out there, no doubt you will remember the pain of your screaming muscles! Maybe you tried to soothe them with ice or painkillers, but this is the time that you could also opt for CBD oil. CBD is known for being a possible anti-inflammatory, and there is a wealth of research into the matter. One study, published in 2007, found that CBD oil was able to potentially reduce inflammation in rats with sciatica, as well as being able to significantly reduce their pain associated with the condition.

A review of the current literature, published in 2020, concurs with this study; and gives a positive overall picture of CBD’s potential when it comes to pain. It concludes that CBD holds the possible ability to help treat a range of conditions linked to chronic pain, which may consequently lead to improved sleep. They also reported on the purported anti-inflammatory effects of CBD. Runners could be dealing with the pain from running, but also from a range of other chronic conditions, such as MS or arthritis, and CBD holds the potential to be an all-natural pain reliever for such issues. This is good news for those of you that rely on over the counter ibuprofen for your pain, as continued and regular use of this drug can put you at greater risk of kidney damage. So, why not opt for natural CBD edibles to help you support your overall wellness?

Improved sleep

It’s no secret that you will perform better if you sleep well and follow a consistent sleeping pattern. For your general health, it is recommended that you get eight hours of sleep per night, as this will allow you to function at your highest possible level, both mentally and physically. So, how exactly does CBD fit in here, you ask? Very well, we would answer! The benefits of CBD oil for improving sleep patterns is a well-researched topic, and the future looks bright for CBD as a wellness supplement for sleep. A review published in 2017 examined some critical data, and the researchers concluded that CBD might hold therapeutic potential in the treatment of insomnia.

What’s more, CBD could possibly help individuals to manage excessive daytime sleepiness. This is great for runners that suffer from chronic fatigue, or people that experience bouts of depression and struggle to get out of bed. From a study published in 2014, we learn that CBD can positively interact with your sleep cycle. This relatively small study examined the effects of CBD oil on four patients who had Parkinson’s disease. Its results were promising, as all patients experienced a reduction in their symptoms of RBD. This is a sleeping behaviour disorder often associated with Parkinson's, where individuals experience nightmares, and can often act them out while they are still asleep. They also concluded that the CBD caused the patients no side effects. Therefore, CBD edibles can not only be considered a great addition to your marathon training routine, but also to your general wellbeing.

Calming effects

The potential calming effects are what attract many people to CBD oil in its various forms. Why not try it for yourself? Simply pop a CBD mint into your mouth, and let your cares and possible anxious feelings slip away. This is an excellent solution for runners out there suffering from anxiety. It’s completely normal to feel nervous before a race, but when feelings of worry threaten to overwhelm you and disrupt your daily training routine, it’s time to take action. A review  published in 2020 examined eight studies into CBD oil for anxiety. It concluded that there is current evidence to suggest that CBD oil in its different forms can help to treat anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety disorder (SAD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). An important study published in 2019 highlights the positive impact that CBD oil can have on anxiety. 72 people took part in this study, with 47 experiencing anxiety, and 25 dealing with low-quality sleep. After the first month, 79.2% of patients reported a reduction in anxiety and 66.7% of people slept better. They were administered one CBD dose of 25mg per day, and this is good news for you CBD mint lovers out there! This is because this study indicates that you don’t need a higher dose of CBD to reap the potential calming benefits, as CBD mints generally contain a lower dose of CBD oil.

You will pass drug tests

A commonly searched question is “where is CBD oil legal?” Let’s put your minds at rest by telling you that it is completely legal in the UK, EU, and in the US at a federal level. However, there are different guidelines that you must follow for it to be fully legal in other countries. CBD needs to be approved by the EU if it came from outside the UK, and the CBD needs to be derived from an industrial hemp strain. What’s more, it cannot contain any more than 0.2% THC. This is why some people prefer to purchase CBD isolate, as this product is exactly what its name suggests: pure CBD. This way, people can be completely comfortable in the knowledge that what they are consuming is totally legal. You should always research the laws in your country before you purchase CBD, especially if you are planning to travel with it. Furthermore, you should only purchase it from reputable sellers, such as us here at Amphora. This way, you know exactly what you are putting into your body, and that it is safe for your wellbeing.

When to fit CBD mints into your routine

There’s no set time to incorporate CBD mints into your training schedule, and this is one of the best things about it – the freedom to choose! Below, we have given some helpful hints as to when to take your CBD oil, as perhaps one of them, or a combination, will work for you.

  • On the day: on race day, you may wish to reap the calming benefits of CBD and feel like you are taking control of your race. It’s completely normal and expected for you to feel a little nervous before your race begins, and CBD mints could be the trick to calming those nerves.
  • For anxiety: while it’s normal to feel anxious before your race, some people experience anxiety disorder. As we already know, this is where CBD oil can help to save the day, and more importantly ensure you keep to your training schedule! CBD mints may be just what you need to help combat feelings of anxiousness to allow you to hit the running track once more. You could dissolve a delicious CBD mint on your tongue ten minutes or so before you embark on your training run.
  • Before you sleep: this is many runners’ favourite time of day to consume CBD oil, as it allows them to drift off into a restful and satisfying sleep. This not only makes them feel better prepared to continue with their training, but it can also allow their body to repair itself at night, and their muscles to recover.
  • Pain management: other runners enjoy consuming their CBD after a heavy training session to help ease their sore joints and muscles, which can cause you setbacks and prevent you from continuing on with your training. By adding CBD oil to your recovery routine, you could find yourself meeting your goals in ways that you didn’t before. What’s more, CBD mints are natural products, and this prevents you from relying on over-the-counter pain medication that can harm your body in the long run.

Other tips for your marathon training

Although CBD is an excellent addition to your training and wellness routine, it alone won’t help you to meet your goals. Here are some of our top tips for meeting your marathon aspirations.

  • Invest in good shoes: running shoes that properly fit you will make a world of difference to your training and your run. It’s worth spending a bit more so that you know you will be comfortable and confident on the day. Plus, you should always break your running shoes in, never wear a new pair of shoes for the first time on race day, unless you want a lot of blisters!
  • Run with a buddy: running and training with a like-minded friend can positively impact your whole marathon experience. They can help to encourage you when you are struggling, and vice versa. Plus, finishing a marathon is an outstanding achievement for you to experience together, and you’re sure to make memories that you will treasure forever.
  • Make nutritious meal plans: this will help you to stick to a healthy and balanced diet, with a focus on protein to help take care of (and build up) your muscles. You should also drink plenty of water to replace what you have lost in training, and to help lubricate your joints. This will help you move with more ease.
  • Stretching: you could try out yoga and pilates alongside your training routine, especially if you are following a plan that doesn’t include them. These forms of exercise are great low-impact workouts that can help you to improve your strength, balance, and flexibility. There’s also evidence to suggest that regularly finding time to practice yoga will help you manage muscle and body aches such as lower back pain, as well as help people with high blood pressure and heart disease. There are plenty of mental benefits to be derived from yoga, as it can calm feelings of anxiousness, and help to alleviate a low mood. Perhaps you could also try mediation on days off from your training, as it’s a great way of relaxing and centring yourself. Many people actually use CBD oil to enhance their meditation, as they find that its potential calming benefits can relax them and make them feel more open to the experience.

So there we have it – how CBD can help you to meet your marathon goals! CBD mints are such a simple way of enhancing your training routine, and they have the potential to help many areas of your lifestyle. So, what’s stopping you? Add CBD oil to your training routine today! Here at Amphora, we wish you health and luck in your marathon endeavours.




Written by  |  Infused Amphora Team 

The Infused Amphora Team is dedicated to creating resources to educate and engage consumers on the growing evidence of CBD benefits and the extensive health and wellness properties of CBD Oil. 

Contributor  | Angus Taylor CEO



Infused Amphora “Learn” is intended for informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.