Can CBD Help to Improve Your Workplace Productivity?

Reading time – 15 minutes

Spoiler alert: yes! In this day and age, the workplace isn't restricted to the office; it's also the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom – the options are endless! No matter where you are working due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sure that you need to keep your focus now more than ever. After all, your workplace productivity has likely taken a hit over the past couple of months as you adjust to the 'new normal', whatever that may be for you. So, if you are looking for an all-natural solution to improving your workplace productivity, welcome; this is the article you've been looking for.

We are going to examine the critical ways that CBD oil can enhance your workplace productivity, so that you can feel proud of your achievements, and achieve things to be proud of. We are putting the focus on CBD edibles here, in particular CBD mints, as they are a quick and convenient way of enhancing your work life. Additionally, we will provide you with some advice as to how to best fit CBD into your healthy lifestyle. We here at Amphora acknowledge the pressure that people are under at the moment in all areas of their life – and this is where CBD can help save the day! Read on to discover the potential calming and balancing benefits that CBD oil can provide, and how in turn this can help you to achieve your workplace targets and goals.

What are CBD edibles?

To answer this question, we will first need to address the commonly asked question: what is CBD oil?Well, it's a popular natural health solution that is rising in popularity all the time. CBD (Cannabidiol) belongs to a collection of over 100 cannabinoids, which are the naturally occurring chemical compounds found in cannabis plants. Despite being associated with marijuana plants, CBD is a non-intoxicating substance; meaning that it does not cause any kind of 'high' feeling. THC is the substance that causes this effect due to its psychoactive properties. There is a wealth of research into the possible health benefits of CBD oil, and this is growing all the time. CBD edibles are a great way of reaping the potential therapeutic benefits of CBD oil. From smoothies to mints, the options are endless for your wellness routine. This makes adding CBD to your routine so simple and easy.

Why CBD mints?

There are plenty of reasons why you should reach for CBD mints in particular; let's go over some of the key benefits.

  • The taste: sure, this is one of the most obvious reasons for choosing to consume CBD mints, but it would be remiss not to mention it! Some people prefer to bypass the natural tang of CBD oil, and instead wish to consume a more appealing option in terms of taste. You just can't beat the refreshing taste of a mint, and it is even better knowing that you are consuming a natural product full of balancing benefits.
  • Long-lasting benefits: CBD mints are a fantastic way of consuming CBD if you prefer to reap the benefits for a longer time than any other method. This is ideal for those of you looking to improve your workplace productivity, as it can help maintain your focus for an extended period of time.
  • Pre-measured dosing: the fact that CBD mints are pre-dosed makes them simple for you to consume. You can easily figure out the right dose that can enhance your productivity, putting you in control of your health and wellness routine.


CBD and workplace productivity: the current research

Here, we will take a look at some key pieces of research into the potential benefits that CBD holds for improving your workplace productivity. It's important to note that these studies don't examine CBD mints specifically as a method of consumption. However, the main takeaway here is that CBD oil is used within each study. Therefore, arguably it shouldn't matter which method of consumption is chosen by the individual, as the key ingredient remains the same.

Helps you to remain focused and motivated

We have all been there: it's the middle of the afternoon, and you are beginning to slump. Your concentration is lacking, and you still have lots of tasks on your to-do list that require your undivided attention. This is where some people will make themselves their third cup of coffee, but this is where we suggest you reach for CBD mints instead. Not only will the fresh taste wake up your senses, but the CBD-derived possible benefits are present! A study published in 2016 examined CBD and how it could help people remain motivated. The results are looking promising, as the researchers concluded that CBD oil is a novel treatment for a range of disorders, including those affecting motivation. In particular, motivational disorders such as anxiety and depression are mentioned in the conclusion of the study, with the multiple effects of CBD cited as a highly efficacious option when it comes to supplementing the treatment of such disorders. So, consider adding CBD to your wellness routine in order to overcome that mid-afternoon slump and allow you to carry on with the task at hand.

CBD & anxiety

Anxious feelings can seriously impact your workplace productivity. Anxiety disorders are incredibly prevalent nowadays, and both the mental and physical symptoms can be distressing for the individual. According to the NHS, some of the most common psychological symptoms of anxiety include feeling on edge, irritable, and constantly worried. Common physical symptoms include headaches, excessive sweating, insomnia, trembling, and more. Anxiety disorders can prevent people from living any semblance of a comfortable life, which can also impact their professional lives.

One study published in 2011 examined the effects of CBD on a group of individuals suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), as the illness can impair people's social lives and interactions. The group of people that received CBD oil (who subsequently partook in a public speaking test) found their anxiety levels significantly decreased, allowing them to perform much better than they typically would have done due to their overwhelming anxiety. The fact that CBD oil may be able to assist people with public speaking is hugely encouraging, especially for those suffering from anxiety who work in consumer-facing roles, and who need to interact with others on a daily basis. Whether it's talking to customers, or standing up in meetings with your managers, who hasn't dreamed of being a better public speaker?

There have also been studies into the possible benefits of CBD oil for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This affliction can severely impact your personal and professional life, if left unchecked. One review of the current research into the matter was published in 2018, and it demonstrates the potential that CBD has in helping to manage the symptoms of the illness. The study first began by defining the disorder as an illness that is a reaction or poor adaptation to a traumatic situation that a person has previously experienced. It is estimated that around 10% of people will experience PTSD at some point during their lifetime. Although the researchers note that further research needs to be conducted for more conclusive findings, the current human and animal studies are promising. These studies demonstrate that CBD oil holds substantial potential therapeutic benefits for PTSD, particularly when it comes to people's responses to reliving traumatic memories.

Insomnia is a huge problem when it comes to the physical impact of anxiety on the body. A review published in 2019 found that while further investigation is needed into the matter, CBD oil could be a viable treatment option for anxiety-induced insomnia. It also reported that CBD might potentially aid in the reduction of anxiety in clinical populations. Overall, it is vital to gain control over the symptoms of anxiety, in order for employees to be able to perform their duties to the best of their ability.

CBD & improved sleep quality

As of 2017, 67% of adults in the UK reported suffering from disrupted sleep, and 23% of them manage to sleep no more than five hours per night. This is far from the recommended eight hours per night, and as the NHS reports, a lack of sleep can be detrimental to our health. It increases the risk of developed conditions such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. The good news is that studies into CBD and how it interacts with sleep make the future look brighter. In the short term, a lack of sleep negatively impacts our concentration and focus, and it could arguably be said it is the number one reason for lack of productivity in the workplace. A common symptom of lack of sleep, or insomnia, is a lack of focus and grogginess. A key piece of research into this was published in 2014, and researchers found that CBD may work as a positive compound in supplementing the treatment of a range of health conditions, as well as helping to promote wakefulness.

Additionally, one review published in 2017 reported that CBD could help decrease excessive daytime sleepiness, as well as potentially supplement treatments for REM sleep behaviour disorder. They conclude that it potentially holds the therapeutic potential to help treat insomnia. This, therefore, proves how multifaceted the potential benefits of CBD oil are, as it can possibly help promote alertness, as well as potentially help some people get a good quality night's sleep.

CBD & pain

Pain is undoubtedly a distraction from work, whether that be back pain from being hunched over your laptop all day, or aching muscles from standing behind a shop till – this is where CBD oil is rapidly becoming some people's saviour! The link between CBD oil and pain is an area of interest for scientific study, and this is hugely encouraging for people suffering from pain and all the distractions it can cause. A review  published in 2008 found that CBD oil has the potential to help treat the symptoms of cancer-related pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and neuropathic pain. In general, CBD shows great promise in the treatment and management of pain. A more up-to-date review published in 2018 backs up the statements made in the previous study, as well as examining the further therapeutic potential of CBD oil on pain. They found that CBD can help protect against intestinal inflammation, and therefore could possibly help alleviate some symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases. These types of illnesses are long-term, and there is currently no cure. This means that people with inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease, could make use of CBD edibles to potentially help ease their pain and promote their comfort levels for a more productive workday.

Promote calm and decrease stress

Stress can negatively impact not only our workplace productivity, but also our daily life. It is normal to feel stressed at work from time to time; maybe you have a big presentation coming up and need to impress your boss, or your boss has increased your workload, or perhaps you are stressed about exposure to COVID-19 if you are an essential worker. Stress can impact your body, and this is referred to as oxidative stress. The process of oxidation is necessary and expected, however, oxidative stress is not. It will occur in your body if an imbalance between antioxidants and free radical activity takes place. Free radicals are vital, as they can aid in fighting off the pathogens that can lead to dangerous infections and illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory conditions and more. Studies have shown that CBD may have the potential to prevent chronic inflammation. One such study published in 2017 examined the effects of CBD on rats with osteoarthritis. Two weeks after their CBD treatment, the researchers concluded that not only did CBD help reduce the pain that they were experiencing, but also it prevented the further development of both joint pain and damage to the nerves. A review  published in 2015 concluded that CBD could possibly reduce inflammation through pathways in the human body, and therefore holds the potential to supplement the treatment of diseases caused by inflammation.

CBD & nicotine addiction

An addiction and dependence on nicotine can seriously impact your productivity in the workplace. If you find yourself taking regular smoke breaks and it's distracting you from your work, then consider reaching for CBD edibles, such as mints. CBD mints give you that refreshing taste and leave you feeling fresh for hours to come. A study published in 2016 found that CBD oil may help curb people's nicotine cravings. What's more, a review published in 2015 found that CBD could be a helpful supplementary option for people suffering from a range of substance addictions, such as cocaine and opioids, as CBD works through modulating the neuronal circuits linked to drug addictions. It's important to note here that vaping CBD oil is an excellent option for those of you that would prefer to bypass CBD edibles. CBD oil is a non-addictive substance, and the process of vaping can be a calming experience; making it a great way to wind down during a well-earned break from work. What's more, the ingredients in a vape are all-natural, with the Infused Amphora CBD vape oil being a great example of this. They are packed with all-natural flavoured and unflavoured terpenes to add to your wellbeing, and of course natural organic CBD distillate; not to mention, they taste great!

Key benefits of CBD edibles for your productivity

Here, we list the main benefits that CBD oil, in its many forms, may provide you with:

  • Reduce anxiety: a reduction in anxiety and its symptoms will significantly boost your productivity. We have also discovered that it can help you to maintain a sense of calm during common phobias, such as public speaking exercises. Simply dissolve a CBD mint into your mouth to reap the calming benefits of CBD oil before stress-inducing tasks, such as presentations or meetings with your boss. Anxious feelings can also make it difficult to form relationships with your co-workers, as you may suffer from over-analysing and overthinking situations. This is where the calming effects of CBD oil can help to balance these thoughts and enable you to forge successful working relationships with your colleagues. What's more, CBD holds the potential to help with the symptoms of PTSD, which can be both distracting and distressing in life and in the workplace.
  • May help improve sleep: it's no secret, better sleep equals improved productivity. It can also help you to feel less stressed, as being well-rested improves your general health and wellbeing. CBD is a beautiful companion to your sleep wellbeing, as it may help extend your sleeping time, as well as promote wakefulness during the day, meaning that you can get on with your busy working day without that constant drowsiness and fatigue. This can also help you to avoid the over-consumption of stimulants, such as caffeine, which can cause adverse side effects such as headaches, shakiness, and dizziness.
  • May help to reduce pain: pain can be such a negative distraction when it comes to focusing on the task at hand, and it can negatively impact your workplace performance. It can even lead to employees taking time off work, or being signed off work by a healthcare professional. This can result in feelings of stress, decreased confidence, and hopelessness, especially if you fall behind on your work. The good news is that studies have shown that CBD oil may potentially provide help in the management of chronic pain, allowing you to return to work and improve your productivity.
  • Helping you to remain focused and motivated: CBD oil has been shown to be a strong potential aid in helping you to remain focused.
  • Can help you to cope with stress: stress can have a negative impact on your productivity and your body itself. As we have discovered, it can open you up to developing many chronic illnesses. The good news is that CBD may help prevent chronic inflammation, making it a useful tool for potentially managing the physical and internal effects that stress can cause within our bodies.
  • Managing your addictions: addictions can be extremely tough to deal with, and they are often all-consuming for the individual. This can make work the last thing on your mind, as you are driven by when you are going to get your next fix. This is where CBD mints can come in and help to curb these cravings. By being able to manage and curb your cravings, you will be able to focus your attention on the task at hand.

How to fit CBD edibles into your work/life routine

When it comes to fitting CBD, especially edibles like mints, into your daily routine, it couldn't be easier! Everyone is unique, and will have their own set of reasons for incorporating CBD oil into their lifestyle, and this is no different when it comes to people's professional lives. So, we urge you to consider when consuming CBD what will be the best time for you. If you struggle to get good-quality sleep, then we would recommend consuming CBD oil before bed. If you would prefer to use the calming benefits of CBD mints before a big work presentation or to help increase your sociability at work, then perhaps the best time would be first thing in the morning before you make your way into work. Some people prefer to consume CBD right in the middle of their day to prevent that mid-afternoon slump and enable them to stay alert and productive. In terms of dosage, as we have already mentioned, CBD mints are one of the easiest ways to manage your dose. You can begin slowly, by consuming a lesser amount of mints, and then increase it as you see fit (if you want to increase your dose at all) until you find what's best for you.

So, the next time you feel your boss breathing down your neck, or the flashing light of your work phone/ email is getting on top of you – remember your CBD oil. Join the many people that love CBD for all of the possible benefits that it can bring to your life, and the general wellness that it can promote.



Written by  |  Infused Amphora Team 

The Infused Amphora Team is dedicated to creating resources to educate and engage consumers on the growing evidence of CBD benefits and the extensive health and wellness properties of CBD Oil. 

Contributor  | Angus Taylor CEO



Infused Amphora “Learn” is intended for informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.